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Posting Stills/Videos Now a Profitable Venture in Social Sphere

With literally millions of channels devoted to various personalities and products YouTube has become the place to tune in to find out about the latest video games, crafts, make-up, fashion, food and just about anything else that’s happening in the pop culture universe today. And, as a result, it’s become marketer’s gold. The post Posting Stills/Videos Now a Profitable Venture in Social Sphere appeared first on Zonerama Magazine.

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Make Picture Black and White

Black and white photography’s roots lie firmly in analog film. Meanwhile, we’re now standing well inside photography’s digital age. Maybe that’s why so many of what we call “black and white” photos today are just desaturated digital photographs. These are usually dull, gray, and short on contrast. So let’s take a look at how to create black-and-white pictures worthy of the name, using Zoner Photo Studio 17. The post Make Picture Black and White appeared first on Zonerama Magazine.

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